Sunday, 8 July 2012

Beautiful moments

The newness of being on Iona has mostly worn off now, and the time is flying by!  This week I took a quick trip home to Inverness for Annie and Mark's wedding (Annie is assistant manager at the Lighthouse cafe).  This meant a 7-2:30 shift on Wednesday, catching the ferry at 3:30, 2 more ferries and more driving before arriving in Inverness at 8:30.  After an amazing night of sleep in my own wonderful room I did some shopping in a real supermarket before the wedding and celebration on Thursday.  Then, up early on Friday to get back here in time for a 1:00pm shift!  Coming back to Iona after the wedding made me realise how special Inverness is. The relationships and sense of home that I have there is something to be missed, even for 8 weeks!  It was an amazing day though and I'm so glad to have been there.  Here are some lovely wedding pics.

Life on Iona continues with it's wonderful moments and challenges.  Sunday here is like any other work day, which in itself is a challenge for me.  We still get time off, but the days vary depending on our rota.  If rostered on for Sunday we can attend the Abbey service if we get permission or are not too busy.  This morning I got time off to go instead to the Parish Church in the village.  There were only about 20 people there but it was a wonderful experience!  Walking down the road to the little church and hearing the bell being rung was such a contrast to the huge resounding bell in the abbey tower, but so much more intimate too.  The minister even remembered my name at the end of the service. If possible I will go next week too :)  The Abbey services are beautiful in their own way....but I find it difficult to meet there with God for worship. 

Speaking of beauty, that is certainly not lacking here!  I walked to Port Ban for the sunset earlier last week and it was amazing.  The sea was like a shimmering silk was sparkling so much I couldn't take my eyes off it!  I think God must enjoy seeing us in awe of his creation.  God bless! I hope you have a wonderful week :)

Someone sniffing my camera...
Passport control into the next field...I had to pat to get past

No sheepie...the grass isn't greener over there.

And finally, the beautiful sunset at Port Ban :)

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