Sunday, 1 April 2012

The Lighthouse

Hello hello!  I hope you have had a wonderful week :)  No great adventures to report this time!  I decided a relaxing weekend of nothing in particular was the way to go.  It was good to get around the charity shops and pick up some "new" clothes, since I only bought winter stuff with me.  That said, snow is forecast for tomorrow!  Summer might be over before it has begun :( 

On Wednesday (my day off from the cafe) I decided to make some phone calls to check the progress of my police check and other paperwork for teaching. Good thing that I did!  Disclosure Scotland (police check people) hadn't received my paperwork from the Highland Council, and when I phoned the council they said it had been sent three weeks ago!  Lost in the post apparently...grr!  So, more forms to fill out and more waiting.  It's Easter holidays now so I'm hopeful all will be ready for starting after that.

The first week of the Easter holidays I'm working in the cafe but in the second week am heading off to Ireland!  I'm taking my car across on the ferry from Troon to Larne on Friday the 6th, then back on Sunday the 15th.  There's no fixed plan, but generally I'm thinking of going around the coast anti-clockwise, spending the last night in Belfast.  If you can think of any 'must see' spots let me know! 
Here are some lovely pics from my time in The Lighthouse Cafe.  Even though I'm only volunteering it's great to have such cool people to work with.  I've become rather addicted to baking!  Have a great week..God bless :)

Annie (lovely assistant manager) with the
finished product...bacon rolls!
Some serious bacon-frying going on here!

Yummy fun to make :)

Stuart, Annie and Mark (love the face!)

More cupcakes...

Cake anyone? The 2 cakes at the top and choc brownies
are my attempts....just in case you are wanting to place
an order!


1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed catching up on your blog. Love your pictures. I'm glad that God has led you in the direction of the Lighthouse. Your presence with us has been a real blessing.
    all best
