Saturday, 18 February 2012

Doing the London thing

First things first...the trip here.  Amazingly, I got a window seat and a spare seat next to me!  Anyone who has done long haul flights will know that equals absolute bliss! I forgot to ask for a window seat when checking in (every other time they have asked me!) so figured I'd be stuck in the middle somewhere.  Such a blessing! I slept heaps on the first flight and watched 7 episodes of Downton Abbey....all in the name of cultural awareness of course!
Which is bigger, the Leesa or the pack??

And so on to lovely London.  Ray and Hilary gave me such homely welcome it was hard to imagine I was so far away from Tassie :)
A picture is worth lots of words (1000 apparently) so here are some favourite pics of London:

On an outing with Ray and Hilary

Yummy "toad in the hole" Yorkshire pudding

The weather hasn't been that bad at all really. I had a layering strategy all worked out for nothing! I even saw some blue sky :)

Just before going in for high tea with her Majesty
I love this one! I wonder what the horse is thinking?
"You're not British."
"That hair looks like yummy straw."
"If you want me to look at the camera, pay me."

So after 5 days being a tourist, last night I made my way north to Inverness.  A strange choice I know, but am hoping it will turn into a good temporary home!  The 8 hour train trip was great....somehow trains are so much better than planes!  I got off the train in Inverness at 8pm and set off in the dark and rain to find my hostel.  After many wrong turns, and a soggy map I made it!  Now to find somewhere to live, a car, and do some teaching!  I've made a few contacts for houses, found a car that I'll check out on Monday, and got all the teacher registration stuff finalised.  There's lots of stuff to figure out but I'm really enjoying the experience of it all.  Even listening to the howling wind (blizzard forcast for today) I can feel God's protection.  Time to brave the cold (tis a wee bit colder than London here) and head outside for some exploring!  Let me know what is happening in your part of the world too.  God bless you :)


  1. Wonderful word picture Leesa. Thanks, keep them coming.

  2. Wonderful word picture Leesa. Thanks, keep them coming.

  3. Hi leesa, so nice to keep up to date with your travels! Life here has been great- smooth start to school- class is lovely and have been enjoying getting to know them :) other than that, this week we have parent info night thursday and I'm catching up with people each night after work, so busy busy! Rachel xx

    1. I'm glad it's all going well! I can't believe they are big grade 4s! Sounds like you have a busy life at the moment...hope there are some times for rest too :)

  4. I love your blog style Leesa. I do hope you'll enjoy becoming a regular blogger. I love being able to experience a different part of the world through the eyes of someone else (braver and more adventurous than me).
    We're still at the crazy end of term 1 and looking forward to things settling down. It's going to be a big year really. With stacks to do in relation to Aus Curr. I'm enjoying my new challenges for the year, but I still haven't worked out how "part-time" works...
    Of course it has been the typical super hot start to the year (25 - 28 degress) and everyone wanting aircon (but being told the heat will pass. The poor kids were exhausted by the end of the week.
    Oh well, keep warm. We miss you.

    1. Thanks, I'm quite enjoying the blogging experience... :)
      I hope you can work out a good routine for this that has enough time set aside for you:) It would be so easy to fill the extra time off with school stuff...are your weekends looking more free now though?
      Missing my corridor buddy lots and lots :(
      God bless,
